Main / wx.awcolley.com

For the man sound in body and serene of mind
there is no such thing as bad weather;
every sky has its beauty,
and storms which whip the blood do but make it pulse more vigorously.
George Gissing, The Private Papers of Henry Ryecroft
Photograph © 2009 AWColley
Wall cloud near Bippus IN 2009-06-19 © 2009 AWColley

My Weather Observations

Note: move wxbackground div back to here Weather Conditions at 03:31 EST on Thursday, 13 February 2025

Temp (°F) Feels Like Humidity Dewpoint (°F) Pressure (inHg)


91% 20.9 29.81 +0.08
(3 hours)


  -6.2°C 1009.4 mbar
Wind (mph) Wind Gust (mph) Rain (in)
2 3 NW
4 6 NW
0.00 0.00 in/hr
B1 B1 0.9 m/s B2 B2 2.0 m/s  
UV Solar Radiation (W/m²) Lightning Strikes (in 1 min) Battery
0.0 0 0 2.642

At 10:40am on Thursday, August 13, 2020, my weather station was taken down to begin the relocation process; no data will be recorded (by me, at least) at that location ever again.

We are moving 8.5 miles to the northwest (about 2 miles east of Huntertown, IN). It make take a few weeks to get the weather station back online at our new home.

Current Conditions Weekly Summary Monthly Summary Yearly Summary
February Summary Report 2025 Summary Report

Weather Pages

Chase Center
Weather spotter and storm chaser resources.
Weather Links
Weather (meteorology) related links that I find useful, informative, and/or entertaining.
Weather Now
Current local, regional, and national weather
Weather Gallery
Event and thematic albums of weather-related photographs I've taken over the years. Some are awesomely cool, if I do say so myself.

Weather Journal / Articles

Weather Blog
My journal of interesting weather here in Fort Wayne, or wherever I happen to be. Unfortunately, I have not made any journal entries since March 2010.
Extreme Tornado Tours 2009
My journal and photos of my Extreme Tornado Tour in May, 2009. We experienced the debris zone of a tornado! TWICE! We first encountered the Kirksville, Missouri, tornado west of town, then several minutes later east of town. Both times it was rain-wrapped and difficult to see coming, and both times we found ourselves within a hundred yards of the tornado before realizing we needed to BACK UP.
3 April 1974 Remembered
My recollection of the Super Outbreak of tornadoes on 3-4 April 1974, in particular the Louisville Tornado. Included are a few pictures I took of the devastation in the Louisville area a couple of days later.
The Blizzard of 07
They promised it, and it came. Not quite as much as they promised, but as much snow in one storm as in all of 2006! Visit this article for the unfolding NWS forecasts, my take on it all, and a photo gallery.
2007-04-30 Long Narrow Thunderstorm Line
An extremely thin (only one thundercell wide for the first couple of hours) and eventually quite long line of thunderstorms developed virtually out of clear air in less than two hours. Visit this article for a discussion, satellite images and animation, and radar animition of this curious event.
Two True Weathermen
My little tribute to two television weather guys that inspired me along the way, true meteorologists in a sea of talking heads and aspiring somthing-elses.
Technical articles, mostly copied from somewhere else and stored here for safe keeping.
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loaded 2025-02-14 05:30:54 • last modified 2020-08-17 21:07:17
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